
During a loan/credit approval. There are several processes applicants needs to go through:

  • Application: Applicants fill out a loan application form for a credit card or other personal loan.
  • Submission: Applicants submit the form along with required documents* to the lenders for review.
  • Review: Lenders evaluate applicants' creditworthiness (credit scores) using credit scoring models.
  • Approval: High credit scores gained pre-approval, but banks checks documents for final approval.

Draw Backs

When an applicant applies for a loan or a credit card, lenders such as banks look at the applicant's bank statements to determine their eligibility. This may includes checking for:

  • Savings and cash flow
  • Unusual deposits
  • Debt
As well as red flags such as:
  • Non-sufficient funds fees
  • Large, undocumented deposits
Overall, a lender or credit card companies would like to know more about an applicant through his/her bank statements. They would like to verify savings, unusual activities, and make sure the applicants' ability to pay back debts. Even though this verification is sufficient enough to understand the general public, it fails to consider applicants who are underrepresented. For example, immigrants and young adults typically do not have a stable funds in the USA but often bring money in from their home country. The activities of these large overseas deposits often hinders their available credit or their ability for credit approval, when in reality they should be eligible.

Therefore, we hope to answer the question:

How can we utilize NLP to enable the "credit invisible,” such as young adults and immigrants without an established line of credit, to have an equal opportunity for fair lending?


Recall the factors lenders hope to (or not to) see in a banking statement, we see that these factors may not generalize to people of all demographics. Therefore we attempted to extract more information from banking statement by: determining the category of each transaction using its date, amount, and most importantly, statement memo.

Using Data to Predict Categories

To get to this stage, we first worked to transform or engineer our features into suitable format to be able to build our models.

Natural language processing

Natural language processing is an ability for a computer to process and interpret human language. Its application can range from language translation to text summarization. In this case, we are using NLP to transform our memo column in order to build a model summarizing a user's transactions (on bank statement) into 8 different categories.

  • Food and Beverages
  • Entertainment
  • General Merchandise
  • Travel
  • Automotive
  • Healthcare/Medical
  • Groceries
  • Pets/Pet Care
To categorize, or summarize the memo, we must find a way to transform the text into something our model could understand. There are many different NLP methods that range in complexity and computing power to do such tasks. In our use case, the memo field has very little structure/context for the algorithm to learn. Therefore, we attempted to use TF-IDF to transform the text into feature vectors since it focuses on characters and unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams rather than the full context of a sentence.


TF-IDF, term frequency-inverse document frequency, quantify the relevance of a word in a given document among the collection of documents. It counts the term frequency relative to documents. Therefore, at the end we would obtained a TF-IDF features that have counts according to each transaction. Here we then obtain:

  • Frequency a word appear per transaction
  • Frequency a word appear in corpus of transaction

Text Cleaning

While TF-IDF is keeping track of the term frequency, it would be best to get rid off some unnecessary words and fix some of the vocab that may have the same meaning so that TF-IDF matrix is not unnecessary large. For example:
  • Stop words: a, an ,the
  • Punctuation: , : .
  • Capitalization: WALMART -> walmart

Non-text Feature Engineering

To maximize information for future task, we feature engineered the non-text data (date, amount) includes:

  • Standardization on amount
  • Whether the amount is whole number
  • Create more features from date
    • Year
    • Month
    • Day
    • Weekend
    • Holiday
The reason we created this features is because category sizes may vary on certain days of the week/month /year. People might spend more on dining during the weekends, spend more on general merchandise in december for Christmas. It could be a feature to indicate the behavior of how the categories are distributed.


Once we have prepared our data into a suitable format. We already to proceed to train our model. Since we have two types of data: text-only and non-text. We decided to create an ensemble model of two sub models: XGBoost and Logistic Regression. XGBoost model will be trained with the non-text features while the logistic regression will be supplied with the text-only features.


XGBoost, or extreme gradient boosting, it is a technique modified to build a strong classifier from a number of weak classifiers. Traditionally, the model is built from a series of smaller models. At first, the training data will be train on the first model, then the mislabeled instances will pass down to the second model until all the training point is correctly classified or the maximum number of the smaller model is reached. As a result, the final model becomes a linear combination of smaller models. During the process, the weights of the training data are tweaked for the next model. In XGboost, the weights are adjusted with the residual errors of the predecessors. This type of technique can be used to predict regression, classification, ranks, and even user-defined predictions.

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression, is often used in classification problems. It was derived from an old technique, linear regression, that estimates the probability of an event happened given the dataset. It is often important to utilize the model's probability output rather than its direct classification output, especially in our case where we are looking to combine different models.


Scoring Metric: Accuracy

There are many evaluation metrics we could use for this classification problem. We chose accuracy because of the nature of the problem. We introduce definitions of each metric we considered and our reasoning for prioritizing accuracy:

  • Accuracy : measures the number of correctly classified labels over all labels.
  • Precision: measures the number of correctly classified labels over all labels, assuming all the prediction falls into 1 class.
  • Recall: measures the number of correctly classified labels over all labels, assuming all the true labels falls into 1 class.
  • F1 Score: measures the harmonic mean of precision and recall.
The main reason for checking F1 score is ensuring the reliability of the model on both the opposing classes. Often in looking solely at accuracy, the mislabeled minority observations are overlooked which is a problem in some use cases. For our case, the consequence for misclassification in the minority class is not very high. For example, it doesn't really matter if we incorrectly identifying some of the automotive class. In a case like detecting cancer, though, we might want to utilize recall because we don't want any false negatives. A false negative meaning a person had cancer and it was not detected. In our case, the cost of misclassifying any particular class is not particularly significant as explained in the automotive example. Accuracy simply takes the overall number of correct classifications, and divides it by the total number of classifications made. It doesn't focus on any particular class, because all classes are of equal importance.

Confusion Matrix for 8 Categories on Ensemble Model

Above is the confusion matrix of all classes. Through the diagonal matrix, we see the all the probability of predicted label being correctly labeled.

Category Accuracy
Automotive 90%
Entertainment 91%
Food and Beverages 87%
General Merchandise 86%
Groceries 85%
Healthcare/Medical 80%
Pets/Pet care 97%
Travel 93%
Average 88.6%


Despite credit score being a significant metric for lenders during the loan application approval process, this single metric fails to consider how underrepresented demographics may be deemed as unworthy of credit when in fact they should be worthy. This is a lose-lose for both lenders and applicants. On one hand, lenders lose potential customers ("the credit invisible") who are excluded due to this traditional process. At the same time, these applicants are not allowed to receive credit, which makes things like buying a house seemingly impossible. We aim to explore the limitations of traditional credit score models and propose an alternative method for determining creditworthiness that is more inclusive and equitable. We approach this problem by utilizing supplemental features like a user's categorized transaction history to the traditional credit scoring model. With a user's bank statements, we could extract information like the transaction date, amount, and memo to flag each transaction into a category (with 89% accuracy). The next step would be to utilize these categories in creating new features to optimize common credit scoring models to make them stronger and more fair. This approach solves both of the problems we described above as it will aid applicants with low/no credits as well as profit-hungry institutions looking to acquire more customers in financial industry.